Thursday, November 13, 2008

We all saw it coming...

Shocking developments on the military front, with news of Aschenbach arming for a military expedition! The crown prince Gerdt von Krumper has issued a stinging couterblast against the Luftberg intention to take over the province of Spitzplatz. Citing recent revelations about the deep ancestry of the von Bitzhelm family, it appears that Aschenbach has a claim to the province every bit as obscure and tenuous as Luftberg. The Aschenbach state is outraged and claims the province is their legal property, not Graf von Bitzhelm’s to give away. Heraldic experts across the continent are shrugging at each other in bafflement at the mass of claims and counter-claims flying back and forth over the border, and now it appears that the Aschenbach army is marching out to Spitzplatz to make tenuous claims a hard-and-fast reality!

1 comment:

abdul666 said...

Interesting times...