Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On the other side of the hill

Stand to...

"Nothing ever happens around here!"


abdul666 said...

Bored, men? Be careful about what you are wishing for -you can get it.

Martin said...

Fantastic looking entrenchments! (and some snazzy looking troops to man them!) Well done!

Fitz-Badger said...

Nice troops and entrenchments!
Yeah, whenever someone says something like that or the infamous phrase "It sure is quiet.", it's bound not to stay that way for long!

Frankfurter said...

Is that the unter officzer saying "ssshhh?"
PS, who's whistling?

CWT said...


Yes, one of the sure-fire signs of disaster!

CWT said...

Martin & Fitz-Badger,

Thanks for the compliments - I knocked up the entrenchments with a plastic base-strip, shaped the rest with modelling-clay, then glued on masses of basing sand. I did a bit more with the artillery redoubt to model gabions, and detailed it back in spring sometime. I never got to use it though, so it's now being put belatedly into action!

CWT said...


I noticed that photo too! The rank of troops all neat, but with one man curiously leaning out of line and looking at the camera. Most bizarre! I hope he makes it through the coming fight!